It is estimated that 75% of the population suffer from some sort of yeast infection at sometime in their life. It’s not just women that can be plagued with yeast infections, anyone can get them: Women and men, adolescents and teens, babies and the elderly. A yeast infection can be chronic and hidden with strange or unusual symptoms that occur from time to time. What’s more, these symptoms can change over time. They vary from person to person. For one person it may be vaginal irritation, painful urination, an under arm rash or oral thrush. For some one else it could be the cause of weight gain, depression, insomnia, lack of energy, early aging. Every one is different. And to complicate matters further, the symptoms can change from day to day. They may vary based on the person's general health or genetic makeup. This is the one of the reasons that there are so many different symptoms: An ache here today, a pain there tomorrow. A headache today, stomach pain tomorrow. Nothing you can really put your finger on. Many people think they are just getting older and accept the symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms that a yeast infection can cause: •Painful Sex or Sexual dysfunction •Vaginal Odor •Premature Aging •Vaginal Discharge •Arthritis •Depression •Chronic Rashes •Tiredness or Fatigue •Poor Memory •Irritability •Joint Pain or Swelling •PMS •Feeling Rundown •Digestive pain •Muscle Aches •Short attention span •Hand pain •Hip and Knee Pain •Headaches •Acne •Respiratory Infections •Memory loss •Lowered Immune System •Lowered Self Esteem •Skin problems •Impotence •Gas •Hand pain •Depression •White Vaginal Discharge •Hypoglycemia •Menstrual Pain •Urinary disorders •Skin Lesion •Shortness of Breath •Food allergies •Learning and Memory problems But wait, there’s more! Did you know there is no single medical test for chronic yeast infection? Ask your doctor. That means a clear diagnosis by a doctor or a lab is often impossible. Nearly any part of the body can be affected both externally, and internally. Most people don't know what a chronic yeast infection is or the damage it can do. Many people become so accustomed to their symptoms that they mistake their symptoms for part of the aging process or an ordinary part of their lives. To treat yeast infection effectively you have to treat what caused the infection in the first place: The root cause. Everyone knows what a flare up of vaginal yeast infection or diaper rash is. You get some medicine and it clears up, right? Not exactly. In most cases, you only treated the symptoms and the yeast infection is still there. Unless you treated the root cause of the yeast infection you have not solved the problem. You need to treat the root cause of the yeast infection. It does not matter if it is vaginal, oral or a skin rash. Treating the symptoms of a flare up leaves just the symptoms treated. The yeast remains ready to flare up again and again. And between flare ups the yeast can cause great harm to your health. Commonly prescribed drugs simply do not treat the root cause of the yeast infection. They merely mask the symptoms for a while. The yeast becomes Drug Resistant to the treatment and the infection roars back even worse than before with more pain and more suffering. There is good news however. It is a simple fact that yeast infection, thrush, and candida can be cured permanently; completely eliminated once and for all. You can treat the root cause of yeast infection. And you can do it easily and safely in the privacy of your home. Even if your doctor may have told you differently! But since natural cures can not be patented by drug companies, they are not profitable for them. They aren’t interested in natural cures except to discount them. They do not spend money researching them and do not promote them. Drug companies are required by law to make a profit, and are not required by law to make drugs that help people. This shocking fact is not common knowledge. Think about it for a minute and decide yourself: Western medicine, Television, our doctors, magazines....every where we look....all condition us to believe that repeated doses of this drug or that antibiotic or this medication can cure all our ills. "You will feel better as long as you keep taking the drug." This is the message the drug companies want you to get so that you keep using their products; over and over again. Do you really think they want to CURE YOU ....Or keep you coming back for more? Many of the treatments they offer are Band-Aids, masking symptoms, while the real problem is never addressed. Think VIOXX to treat arthritis. Premarin to treat menopausal symptoms. Insulin might be wonderful.....but it treats high blood sugar not the underlying cause of diabetes!!!! (Did you know there is something called "The Edmonton Protocol" that transplants Islet cells in the liver. It has been successful in curing diabetes. There has been NO DRUG COMPANY FUNDING.) I did say that there was good news right? The simple truth is, yeast infections of all kinds, have plagued humans throughout history. Long before the drug companies came along, people had yeast infections and had been treating them. Somehow, in the past, people were cured. If you are SUFFERING from any of the symptoms of yeast infection....take heart, there is a safe way to rid yourself from these problems. You can break free from them and get back your good health and the life you deserve! I set out to discover how. And now, I can promise you that you can have complete relief from your yeast infection in a few hours. For just few pennies and naturally, WITHOUT drugs. Of course, I didn't know if it was possible to uncover these methods. But I set to work anyway and now I can truthfully report I have "REDISCOVERED" those SECRETS.
Sarah Summer is a Health Researcher and the Editor of the medical publication, “The-Web-Doctor”. She is a former yeast infection sufferer herself and knows first hand how yeast infections can disrupt a persons life.
After discovering a natural cure for yeast infection to solve her own problem, she now shares the information of how to permanently cure chronic yeast infections without drugs. The cure she found is profiled on her website. Click on the links to learn how Ms. Summer can help you put a stop to the never-ending cycle and expense of prescribed medications and over-the-counter products that don't work.